Hair Analysis

What is Hair Analysis?

Hair Analysis, also known as Hair Mineral Analysis is a test that uses a small sample of your hair to provide insights into your mineral levels and imbalances. It's like a window into your body's mineral status!

Your hair contains minerals that are absorbed from your bloodstream as it grows. By analyzing your hair, experts can determine if you have any deficiencies or excesses of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and more. They can also identify if you've been exposed to any harmful heavy metals like lead or mercury.

Personalised recommendations?

Mineral imbalances can affect your health and well-being in various ways. They can contribute to issues like fatigue, muscle cramps, mood swings, and even chronic diseases. By understanding your mineral status through HTMA, experts can develop personalized recommendations to rebalance your minerals and improve your overall health.

Is it safe?

HTMA is a safe and non-invasive test that provides valuable information about your body's mineral status. It helps you and your healthcare team make informed decisions about diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes to support your well-being.

Which minerals can test?

 Here are some of the minerals hair analysis can test.

- Calcium

- Magnesium

- Potassium

- Sodium

- Zinc

- Copper

- Iron

How hair analysis helps with chronic disorders

Hair Analysis can provide insights into various health conditions, including: 

Thyroid Disorders 

Imbalances in minerals like iodine, selenium, and zinc can affect thyroid function and contribute to conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. 

Adrenal Fatigue 

Mineral imbalances, particularly sodium and potassium, can provide clues about adrenal gland function and adrenal fatigue.

Cardiovascular Health 

Ratios of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium-potassium can indicate risks of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or electrolyte imbalances.

Metabolic Disorders 

Imbalances in minerals like chromium, magnesium, and zinc can be associated with metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes.


Bone Health 

Mineral ratios, especially calcium and phosphorus, are important for bone health and can help assess risks of osteoporosis or mineral deficiencies. Your nutritionist will develop a personalised nutrition plan to address any mineral or vitamin imbalances aggravating the risks.

Heavy Metal Toxicity 

Hair Analysis can also detect toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic, which can contribute to various health issues when accumulated in the body.

Fatigue and Minerals

- Iron: Iron deficiency is a common cause of fatigue, as it plays a vital role in oxygen transport and energy production within the body.

- Magnesium: Low magnesium levels can contribute to fatigue, as magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to energy production.

- Zinc: Zinc deficiency has been associated with fatigue and decreased energy levels, as it is involved in metabolism and cellular energy production.

Muscle cramps and minerals

Certain minerals and toxic heavy metals can be linked to muscle cramps. Here are some examples:

Magnesium: Magnesium deficiency is commonly associated with muscle cramps and spasms. Magnesium plays a vital role in muscle function, and low levels can disrupt muscle contractions and lead to cramping.

Calcium: Imbalances in calcium levels, particularly low calcium, can contribute to muscle cramps. Calcium is necessary for proper muscle contraction and relaxation, and inadequate levels can result in muscle spasms and cramping.

Mood swings and minerals

Certain minerals and toxic heavy metals can be linked to mood swings. Here are some examples:

- Zinc: Zinc deficiency has been associated with mood swings and changes in behavior. Zinc plays a role in neurotransmitter function and the regulation of mood.

- Magnesium: Inadequate magnesium levels have been linked to mood disturbances, including irritability and mood swings. Magnesium is involved in neurotransmitter regulation and the stress response.


Order your hair analysis test today

Order your Hair Analysis test today and unlock the power of scientific insights into your overall health and well-being. Backed by extensive research, Hair Analysis, provides a comprehensive assessment of your mineral and heavy metal levels, offering concrete evidence of nutritional imbalances, toxic exposures, and potential health risks.

What the fee includes:

  • A reputable lab tests your hair
  • The lab sends the raw data (confidential) to Dr Sheikh
  • Dr Sheikh analyses the data. No fancy graphs are produced.
  • Dr Sheikh prepares a 2 to 3 page recommendations based on your health challenges and goals.